
silkworm cocoons中文是什么意思

  • 《英汉医学词典》silkworm cocoons
  • 蚕茧



  • 例句与用法
  • Testing method of mulberry silkworm cocoon dried cocoon
  • Classification of mulberry silkworm cocoons dried cocoons
  • At the sametime, this paper also suggests that the standard system of colour of silkworm cocoon silk should be established in the future research
  • As one of the three largest cereal stores, there are 657, 426 hectares of cultivated land and 399, 267 hectares of forest, producing tobacco, peanuts, sweet potatoes, corn, honeysuckle flower, gingko, garlic, chestnut, hawthorn, pear, apple, black pepper, walnut, silkworm cocoon, white willow, langya grass, secretio bufonis and full scorpion
  • The company existing 12 modernizations silkworm cocoon receives dries stands , 28 groups of hot blast circulation dries the cocoon machine . funan silkworm cocoon receives dries the station accounts for 45 chinese acres, 32 purchases window, 6 groups of hot blast circulation dry the cocoon machine . the season receives dries the silkworm cocoon ultra ten thousand buckets, is biggest for the national scale, the equipment is most advanced, manages the standardest modernized silkworm cocoon receives dries stands
  • The company existing 12 modernizations silkworm cocoon receives dries stands , 28 groups of hot blast circulation dries the cocoon machine . funan silkworm cocoon receives dries the station accounts for 45 chinese acres, 32 purchases window, 6 groups of hot blast circulation dry the cocoon machine . the season receives dries the silkworm cocoon ultra ten thousand buckets, is biggest for the national scale, the equipment is most advanced, manages the standardest modernized silkworm cocoon receives dries stands
  • The company existing 12 modernizations silkworm cocoon receives dries stands , 28 groups of hot blast circulation dries the cocoon machine . funan silkworm cocoon receives dries the station accounts for 45 chinese acres, 32 purchases window, 6 groups of hot blast circulation dry the cocoon machine . the season receives dries the silkworm cocoon ultra ten thousand buckets, is biggest for the national scale, the equipment is most advanced, manages the standardest modernized silkworm cocoon receives dries stands
  • The company existing 12 modernizations silkworm cocoon receives dries stands , 28 groups of hot blast circulation dries the cocoon machine . funan silkworm cocoon receives dries the station accounts for 45 chinese acres, 32 purchases window, 6 groups of hot blast circulation dry the cocoon machine . the season receives dries the silkworm cocoon ultra ten thousand buckets, is biggest for the national scale, the equipment is most advanced, manages the standardest modernized silkworm cocoon receives dries stands
  • As one of the three largest cereal stores, there are 657, 426 hectares of cultivated land and 399, 267 hectares of forest, producing tobacco, peanuts, sweet potatoes, corn, honeysuckle flower, gingko, garlic, chestnut, hawthorn, pear, apple, black pepper, walnut, silkworm cocoon, white willow, langya grass, secretio bufonis and full scorpion
  • 推荐英语阅读
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